CPD for Accountants – Client Commitment
Our goal is to provide our learners with a positive, engaging learning experience and a clear roadmap to professional success.
Our commitment to you:
- We will give you all the guidance, processes and information you need to achieve learning objectives as outlined in each course.
- We will provide you with direct and timely feedback in relation to any queries you may have as you proceed through the course.
- We will respond to all assessment tasks and general enquiries in a timely manner, generally within 24 hours of submission.
- We will provide you with feedback on your progress and will advise of any issues or concerns in relation to course completion.
Your commitment to us:
- You will endeavour to complete your course in the agreed timeframe. If you are unable to do this, you will advise us in a timely manner.
- You will complete assessment tasks in a timely and effective manner, based on course criteria and general advice.
- You will develop a SMART action plan for implementation of personal and team objectives. This plan will be shared with your manager.
- You will provide us with feedback on the value of the course to you as well as any suggestions for improvement.
Have a question?
Do you have a question about our courses or the way our eLearning platform works? Just submit your question and we’ll get back to you shortly.
P: 1300 133 848
E: support@cpdforaccountants.com.au
M: PO Box 481 Lindfield NSW 2070 Australia
CPD For Accountants
A division of High Tech Soft Touch Pty Ltd
ABN 71 614 705 029