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Online Payments


At the time you place an online order, you will receive an email confirmation of the order.


A tax receipt will be provided following confirmation of payment by credit card or funds transfer. If you also require a tax invoice, please contact support@cpdforaccountants.com.au


When purchasing courses online, card details are transmitted through an application programming interface. Card details are hosted by eWay’s secure online payment gateway after processing.


Following confirmation of your registration and payment, you will receive an email with instructions for setting up your online account and enrolling in your course. IF you don’t receive this email, please contact support@cpdforaccountants.com.au


eLearning courses and other materials are sold online on a no refund basis.
If there is any defect in the products provided, the product(s) will be replaced or payment will be refunded.


Contact us directly on Ph 1300 133 848 (AUS) if you have any queries about payment and delivery of online services.

CPD For Accountants is a subsidiary of High Tech Soft Touch Pty Ltd

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