Frequently Asked Questions

How are the eLearning courses presented?
All our courses are self-paced. This means that learners can access content at a time and place that suits them. Each module includes an online presentation of between 30 and 45 minutes. Learners are expected to complete 4 assessment tasks within each modulem including the development of a SMART action plan (see below). All assessment tasks are scored with feedback provided to learners.

Although most of our courses can be completed within 2 to 3 months, all learners have access to online content for 12 months from the date of enrolment.

Which eLearning course is best suited to me?

You can explore your personal strengths and weaknesses in relation to management and leadership skills by using our CAREER NAVIGATOR tool. This tool will help you to identify areas for professional development and suggest courses that would be appropriate for your current level of experience and capability.

Click here to explore the NAVIGATOR tool

How much time should I allocate towards completion of my course?
We recommend that learners complete 1 module per week. This gives them time to critically review learnings from each module and develop actions relevant to their work environment. Generally, each module should take 1 and 2 hours to complete. If you are planning to complete one module per week, try to set aside 1 hour to listen to the presentation and around 1 hour to complete the assessment tasks.

You may consider completing modules outside of work hours as part of your personal commitment to your professional development.

How does assessment task scoring work?
Each module contains 4 assessment tasks. The course administrator will personally score each task response based on the level of thought and consideration that goes into the response. Generally, there are no right or wrong answers, it’s the depth of thought that’s important. You should consider what the task means in relation to your role and responsibilities, as well as personal challenges and priorities. If you are unsure why you received a specific score, contact the course administrator.
How can I get maximum value from my course?
There are 3 key tips to maximise the value from your course. Have you been following them?

  1. Ensure that you complete the course in the suggested timeframe. Going too fast (or too slow) through the course can affect the value you receive.
  2. Build up your consolidated SMART action list as you complete each module and review once a week. This will keep you on track.
  3. Identify a colleague (perhaps your manager) with whom you can share your ideas, thoughts and actions. Use them to keep you accountable.
How can I best incorporate the SMART actions from my eLearning course within my existing professional development pathway?
Our courses are complimentary to the technical training that most firms focus on with professional development. As you complete your course, I recommend that you have an in-depth discussion with your manager in relation to the actions you have identified during the course. You may need to establish priorities with the actions you propose. You’ll find that focusing on 2-3 key actions at a time is sufficient. Then you can simply review the SMART action list on a monthly or quarterly basis.
Can I complete my course in a group environment?

Some of our courses are designed to be presented and completed in a group environment e.g. Client Service Administrator, Pricing Policies for Professional Firms and Client Connect. If you are enrolled with colleagues in a course designed for individuals e.g. The Proactive Accountant course, you can attend the presentation sessions together, then complete the assessment tasks as individuals. Contact the course administrator if you’d like further information on how you can complete your course in a team environment.

Can managers check learner progress with the course?
All managers can request special access to learner status. That means that they can see, at a glance, how learners are progressing through the course and what scores they are receiving for their assessment tasks.
How can I propose changes to firm policies and procedures?
Some of your ideas and suggestions will require a change to your firm’s approach. You should be looking for opportunities to discuss these potential changes with your manager. Past learners of our courses would provide a formal report and presentation to the management team at the conclusion of the course, outlining learnings and suggestions for the firm. This is a tremendously valuable part of the learning process and recommended as you complete your course.
What should I do if I'm falling behind with my course schedule?
It’s common for other priorities, especially workflow, to take over from professional development needs. If you find it’s been quite a few weeks since you last worked on the course, simply make a time to continue at a reasonable pace. Don’t try to catch up by completing multiple modules in a short period of time. You won’t do justice to the learning objectives or the assessment tasks if you rush. Let the course administrator and your manager know if you need extra time.
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E: support@cpdforaccountants.com.au
M: PO Box 481 Lindfield NSW 2070 Australia

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