Today, existing jobs are being redefined and new ones created as accounting firms seek to create greater efficiencies of production and better value of service. Accountants need a broad range of skills to succeed, with more emphasis on proficiency in personal leadership, communication and technology than every before.

The PROACTIVE ACCOUNTANT takes on responsibility for job budgets and workflow. They strive for stronger engagement with clients. They look for opportunities to develop their communication skills. They collaborate with colleagues and know how to work closely with their manager to achieve targets. Finally, they take control of their time and adopt a proactive approach to professional development.

What’s the course all about?

The PROACTIVE ACCOUNTANT self-paced eLearning course is designed to accelerate the process of developing the communication, workflow and organisational skills necessary for success in a technology-driven and client-focused environment.

We’ll show your accountants how to really take control of their time, their clients and their workflow – to develop core skills of effective communication, workflow management, client relationship management, team collaboration and personal time and task management.

How does it work?

The PROACTIVE ACCOUNTANT course consists of 16 modules with clear learning objectives. Content includes presentations, workbooks, support materials and assessment tasks. Most importantly, learners develop their own professional development pathway using our SMART action planning template.

The course is available anywhere, anytime through our eLearning portal.

Who’s it for?

This course is suitable for any accountant in public practice who wants to develop their personal leadership, communication and organisational skills. Learners range from new graduates to accountants who have completed their CA, CPA or IPA qualifications.


If you’re interested this course, you may also be interested in The Proactive Manager course, designed for managers and partners wishing to develop their skills in relation to workflow management, client relationship management, team management and business development.