Course Outline
Share Transactions 101 – A self-paced eLearning course for ASIC Registered Agents, Responsible Persons, ASIC administrators and company compliance officers who provide corporate secretarial services to clients and wish to gain an in-depth understanding of managing share capital and processing share transactions.
What’s this course all about?
This course provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and managing share transactions for ASIC registered agents and ASIC administrators. The presenters discuss the intricacies of processing different types of share transactions with ASIC, the supporting documents required and most importantly the underlying provisions of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) that underpin the share transactions.
- Share Classes and Share Rights
- Allotment of Shares
- Transfer of Shares
- Register of Members
- Beneficial & Non-Beneficial Ownership
- Restructuring and reclassifying shares
- Reduction of Capital
- Share Buy-Backs
- Share Cancellations
- Corrections to Share Capital
- Case studies and detailed guidelines
- ASIC Forms
- Supporting documents, process documents, minute templates
The course is presented by ASIC registered agent specialist Viola Pythas, Founder and Managing Director and Emma Volpe, Corporate Compliance Manager of CorpSec Services and is the collective work of the CorpSec team who have 50+ years combined company compliance experience.
As corporate secretarial providers to the accounting industry, the CorpSec Services team have seen all the errors accountants and ASIC agents make when undertaking share transactions. This course has been developed to fill the gap in industry training in the technical area of share transactions.
This self-paced course consists of 4 modules with clear learning objectives (download document from Navigation Menu) . The course content includes detailed presentations and comprehensive slides, case studies, timelines, minute templates, reference documents, step-by-step guides, supporting materials and assessment tasks.
- Gain a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of share transactions.
- Enhance your ability to provide high-quality corporate secretarial services.
- Learn to navigate complex share transactions, particularly capital reductions and share buy-backs.
- Avoid lodgement errors and ASIC requisitions.
- Process share transactions with confidence in compliance with ASIC requirements and the Corporations Act 2001.
- Learn from industry experts who have in-depth practical experience.
This course is suitable for:
- ASIC registered agents who would like to better understand the complexities of share transactions, the requirements and the process to undertake them.
- Accountants, bookkeepers and employees of accounting firms wanting further training on share transactions to be better equipped to handle their clients’ compliance work, the associated steps and ASIC lodgements.
- Corporate secretarial officers, company compliance officers and managers.
- Agents keen to consolidate and refresh their knowledge of the more complex share transactions.
- Anyone wanting to deepen their understand of the rules and regulations of the Corporations Act 2001 requirements pertaining to share transactions.
- Agents preparing minutes and governance documents to support share capital changes.
- Agents wanting to learn tips and tricks from experienced a practicing registered agent and governance professionals and avoid ASIC requisitions.
Course Content
This course consists of 4 modules and is worth 16 CPD hours:
1. Introduction to Share Transactions
Types of Share Transactions and Share Classes – Explanation of various types of share transactions, including allotments, transfers, partly paid shares and share options. Overview of different share classes (ordinary, preference) and their associated rights.
Beneficial Ownership and Register of Members – Differentiation between beneficial and non-beneficial ownership of shares and how to correctly record changes. Requirements for keeping a Register of Members and recording Top 20 members with ASIC.
2. Restructuring and Reclassifying Shares
Division or Conversions of Shares – Understanding when or why a company may choose to convert existing shares on issue, learn the process and the implications on the company’s share structure and shareholders.
Consolidation or Subdivision of Shares – Exploring the impact and procedures for consolidating and subdividing shares (aka share splits), including the effects on share value and share structure.
3. Capital Reductions and Share Buy-backs
Capital reductions and Share Buy-Backs – Deep dive into the complex areas of Capital Reductions and Share Buy-backs like never seen before, including step-by-step process breakdown, case studies and flowcharts of events.
Redeemable Preference Shares / Forfeited Shares – Examining the nature of redeemable preference shares, the terms on which they can be issued and when they can be redeemed. Understanding when and how shares can become forfeited by a shareholder.
4. Share Capital Corrections
Correcting Share Capital Errors – Addressing errors or discrepancies in a company’s share capital as recorded with ASIC, outlining the steps and supporting documents required for successfully correcting different types of errors.
Withdrawing ASIC Forms and Case Studies – Exploring the need and process to withdrawing previously lodged forms. Unpacking multiple case studies outlining step-by-step processes to correct errors in share details recorded with ASIC, including tried and tested tips and tricks.
For further course details, you can view the course brochure within the Navigation window.
Copyright & Disclaimers
© CorpSec Services, 2024. All rights reserved. Content in this eLearning course is subject to copyright under Australian law.
All course content (excluding third party websites and documents) made available in this eLearning course may be used solely by the enrolled registered learner for their personal and professional development. If you have access to these course materials and use them for other purposes, you could be infringing copyright and may face penalties under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) or any of our policies that apply to you.
Apart from the uses specified in these terms, course materials and other content in this course may not be reproduced for any purposes, including commercial purposes, without prior written permission from us, except to the extent permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth).
This course is not certified, approved or endorsed by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) nor is CorpSec Services Pty Ltd associated with ASIC in the provision of this training. CorpSec Services Pty Ltd does not provide legal, accounting or financial advice. Course attendees should not act solely on the basis of opinions, comments or information provided in this course without seeking professional advice in respect of their own particular circumstances. The information is provided as a guide and does not represent a definitive or legal view of any of the issues raised or referred to. The content is one interpretation of good corporate practice. It is not designed to cover or comply with all applicable legislation or case law. We cannot be held liable or accountable to any person who acts or relies upon the information provided.
Course Structure
- Learners can complete courses at a place that suits them, within and outside work hours
- Each learner will have a dedicated login to give them personal access to their course
- Module material includes online presentations, PowerPoint Slides and templates,
- All modules also incorporate formal assessment tasks that encourage learners to develop practical actions demonstrating understanding of the concepts
- All assessment tasks are scored
- As the learner progresses, they develop their personal SMART action list to drive change
- Managers are able to see at a glance how their staff are progressing
- Learners are expected to complete the course within 3 months of enrolment
- All learners have access to course content for 6 months following their enrolment
Learning Process
Our self-paced eLearning courses follow a 4-step process in relation to learning objectives:
All modules are structured with specific learning objectives and assessment tasks. Learners are expected to demonstrate that they understand learning objectives and can apply concepts through completion of the assessment tasks. A SMART action planning template is used to consolidate specific actions and to ensure that a timeframe for completion is established and followed. Regular review of progress is ensured through commitment to completing the course.
Very informative and is extremely helpful confirming processes that do not arise frequently
I found the course really beneficial and it has already been a great help to me in my work. The case studies provided were particularly practical and useful for implementing in day-to-day occurrences
This course is ideal for professionals who have limited time to attend lengthy lectures. It is designed to be easy to understand and focuses on practical application. The module flow is well-structured and is highly recommended for individuals involved in ASIC transactions
The course is pretty helpful. The instructions, steps and procedures on how to complete share transactions and professionals can stay compliant at the same time are clear.
I think this course is very beneficial to all who are likely to be attending to ASIC secretarial services. Having the supporting documents is also a great benefit, as well as the timelines. I will be recommending to our Head of HR that all future admin staff be registered for this course
The course, Share Transactions 101, was very informative and I picked up a lot of useful information especially on Share buy-backs and restructuring & reclassifying of shares.
This was a very helpful & insightful course to help better understand ASIC as a new agent
Enrol Now

Share Transactions 101 for ASIC Registered Agents
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Please note:After purchasing this course, you will receive a welcome email including an induction guide.
This guide provides instructions on how to enrol and commence the course.
If you are registering on behalf of others, you will receive an email with instructions on how to register each learner/s.
Once registered, each learner will receive an induction guide to their own email address.
Tax calculated at checkout.
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